ORACLE/TUNING2012. 3. 8. 11:17

-- SQL 튜닝 대상선정(10g)하기
select trunc(a.disk_reads/a.executions,0) diskreads,
       trunc(a.buffer_gets/a.executions,0) bufferget, 
       trunc(a.elapsed_time/a.executions/1000000,0) elapsetime,
       trunc(a.ROWS_PROCESSED/a.executions,0) return_rows,
       module,action, length(sql_fulltext), sql_fulltext, address,sql_id,parsing_schema_name
  from v$sql  a 
 where executions > 0
   and command_type in ( 3, 6,7)
   and module not in ( 'SQL Developer','Orange for ORACLE DBA')
   and buffer_gets / executions > 1000
 order by elapsetime desc ;
command_type - 2 (insert)
command_type - 3 (select)
command_type - 7 (delete)
command_type - 6 (update)
-- bind 변수 확인
select * from v$sql_bind_capture where address = 'C000000095EFDDC0';
select * from dba_hist_sqlbind where sql_id = '0b5b05k3akd1w'  order by snap_id desc, position;
-- full text
select 'AA'||sql_text||'BB' from  v$sqltext_with_newlines where address = 'C000000095EFDDC0'
 order by Piece
select 'AA'||sql_text||'BB' from  v$sqltext_with_newlines where sql_id = 'gzcf51wp0pqxt' 
order by Piece
-- plan보기
select p.plan_table_output
  from (select distinct sql_id, child_number
          from v$sql_plan s
         where s.address = '' or 
               s.sql_id = '0as4u6a4fky2n') s,
        table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor (s.sql_id, s.child_number, 'typical')) p;
--  awr plan보기
select sql_id,lpad(' ',depth*4,'  ')||' '||operation|| ' ' ||options|| ' '
 ||object_name|| ' (' ||cost||')'plan, to_char(timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as "date"
where sql_id in ('fac0jhjuwg9k9'
order by timestamp,sql_id,plan_hash_value, id;
-- awr 성능 보기
select sql_id, module, b.begin_interval_time,
       trunc(buffer_gets_delta/decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) buffer_gets,
       trunc(disk_reads_delta/decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) disk_reads,
       trunc(fetches_delta/decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) fetchs,
       trunc(ROWS_PROCESSED_DELTA/decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) ROWS_PROCESSED,
   as elapsed_time,
       trunc(IOWAIT_DELTA/1000000/decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) IOWAIT,
       trunc(APWAIT_DELTA/1000000/decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) APWAIT,
       trunc(CLWAIT_DELTA/1000000/decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) CLWAIT,
       trunc(CCWAIT_DELTA/1000000/decode(executions_delta,0,1,executions_delta)) CCWAIT,
       executions_delta executions
      dba_hist_snapshot b
where a.sql_id = '7rcjrfsh81jy2'
  and a.snap_id  = b.snap_id
  and a.dbid = b.dbid
  and b.instance_number = 1
  and b.begin_interval_time between to_timestamp('20110701','YYYYMMDD')
 and to_timestamp('2012','YYYY')
  order by a.snap_id;
-- trace를 못 뜰때?ㅋ 
select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ * 
from SCOTT.TEST where key > 10000;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'ALLSTATS LAST'));
dbms_xplan.display_cursor format 종류
   - Basic, Typical, Outline, All, Advanced, 
   - allstats last, +peeked_binds

Posted by [PineTree]