OS/WINDOWS2009. 3. 13. 14:45

Configuring Windows for high network connection rates

When a TCP/IP socket is closed, it goes into TIME_WAIT state before closing, for a period of time determined by the operating system. A socket in TIME_WAIT state cannot be reused; this can limit the maximum rate at which network connections can be created and disconnected.

The Java Client application normally closes the socket; if the application is on a different machine from the CICS Transaction Gateway, the limitation usually applies to the machine running the application. The symptoms of a machine that is reaching these limits include:

  • All of the TCP/IP resources of the operating system are in use, and requests for new connections fail. This causes JavaGateway open requests to fail intermittently, and throw a java.net.BindException.
  • Running the netstat -a command on the application machine shows a large number of sockets in TIME_WAIT state.
  • Performance deteriorates.

To improve the ability of the Windows operating system to deal with a high rate of network connections, add the following registry entries in

A DWORD value, in the range 30-300, that determines the time in seconds that elapses before TCP can release a closed connection and reuse its resources. Set this to a low value to reduce the amount of time that sockets stay in TIME_WAIT.
A DWORD value that determines the highest port number that TCP can assign when an application requests an available user port. Set this to a high value to increase the total number of sockets that can be connected to the port.

For example, a system making a large number of connection requests might perform better if TcpTimedWaitDelay is set to 30 seconds, and MaxUserPort is set to 32678. See the operating system documentation for more details.

Posted by [PineTree]