-- /etc/hosts ora19adg1 ora19adg2 ora19c ora19c-ogg radg1 radg2
*.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=ora19cXDB)'
*.log_archive_dest_2='service=standby lgwr async valid_for=(online_logfile,primary_role) db_unique_name=standby'
*.control_files='/oradata/STANDBY/control01.ctl','/oradata/STANDBY/control02.ctl'#Restore Controlfile
*.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=standbyXDB)'
*.log_archive_dest_2='service=primary lgwr async valid_for=(online_logfile,primary_role) db_unique_name=primary'
패스워드 파일 DR서버로 복사(SCP)
orapwora19c 복사
복제용 임시 리스너 설정
#2 서버에 적용 listener.ora 및 기동
(SID_NAME = standby)
(ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/db_1)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ora19adg2)(PORT = 21525))
(SERVICE_NAME = standby)
lsnrctl start listener_adg
-- tnsnames.ora설정 #1,#2 서버 모두 설정
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ora19adg1)(PORT = 1521))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ora19adg2)(PORT = 21525))
(SERVICE_NAME = standby)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ora19adg2)(PORT = 21521))
(SERVICE_NAME = standby)
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = radg1)(PORT = 21521))
(SID = primary)
primary =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ora19adg1)(PORT = 21521))
(SERVICE_NAME = primary)
1) active 서버 에서 복제
nomount 모드로 기동
sqlplus / as sysdba
startup nomount
[ora19c:/u01/app/oracle/product/19c/db_1/network/admin]> rman target sys/oracle@primary auxiliary sys/oracle@standby
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Thu Jun 1 17:01:41 2023
Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
connected to target database: ORA19C (DBID=1191478324)
connected to auxiliary database: ORA19C (not mounted)
RMAN> run {
2> allocate channel prmy1 type disk;
3> allocate auxiliary channel stby1 type disk;
4> duplicate target database for standby from active database nofilenamecheck dorecover;
5> }
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: prmy1
channel prmy1: SID=23 device type=DISK
allocated channel: stby1
channel stby1: SID=10 device type=DISK
Starting Duplicate Db at 01-JUN-23
current log archived
contents of Memory Script:
backup as copy reuse
passwordfile auxiliary format '/u01/app/oracle/product/19c/db_1/dbs/orapwstandby' ;
executing Memory Script
Starting backup at 01-JUN-23
Finished backup at 01-JUN-23
contents of Memory Script:
restore clone from service 'primary' standby controlfile;
executing Memory Script
Starting restore at 01-JUN-23
channel stby1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel stby1: using network backup set from service primary
channel stby1: restoring control file
channel stby1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
output file name=/oradata/STANDBY/control01.ctl
output file name=/oradata/STANDBY/control02.ctl
Finished restore at 01-JUN-23
contents of Memory Script:
sql clone 'alter database mount standby database';
executing Memory Script
sql statement: alter database mount standby database
contents of Memory Script:
set newname for tempfile 1 to
switch clone tempfile all;
set newname for datafile 1 to
set newname for datafile 3 to
set newname for datafile 4 to
set newname for datafile 7 to
from nonsparse from service
'primary' clone database
sql 'alter system archive log current';
executing Memory Script
executing command: SET NEWNAME
renamed tempfile 1 to /oradata/STANDBY/temp01.dbf in control file
executing command: SET NEWNAME
executing command: SET NEWNAME
executing command: SET NEWNAME
executing command: SET NEWNAME
Starting restore at 01-JUN-23
channel stby1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel stby1: using network backup set from service primary
channel stby1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel stby1: restoring datafile 00001 to /oradata/STANDBY/system01.dbf
channel stby1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:25
channel stby1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel stby1: using network backup set from service primary
channel stby1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel stby1: restoring datafile 00003 to /oradata/STANDBY/sysaux01.dbf
channel stby1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15
channel stby1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel stby1: using network backup set from service primary
channel stby1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel stby1: restoring datafile 00004 to /oradata/STANDBY/undotbs01.dbf
channel stby1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
channel stby1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel stby1: using network backup set from service primary
channel stby1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel stby1: restoring datafile 00007 to /oradata/STANDBY/users01.dbf
channel stby1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished restore at 01-JUN-23
sql statement: alter system archive log current
current log archived
contents of Memory Script:
restore clone force from service 'primary'
archivelog from scn 2276859;
switch clone datafile all;
executing Memory Script
Starting restore at 01-JUN-23
channel stby1: starting archived log restore to default destination
channel stby1: using network backup set from service primary
channel stby1: restoring archived log
archived log thread=1 sequence=13
channel stby1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
channel stby1: starting archived log restore to default destination
channel stby1: using network backup set from service primary
channel stby1: restoring archived log
archived log thread=1 sequence=14
channel stby1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished restore at 01-JUN-23
datafile 1 switched to datafile copy
input datafile copy RECID=1 STAMP=1138381380 file name=/oradata/STANDBY/system01.dbf
datafile 3 switched to datafile copy
input datafile copy RECID=2 STAMP=1138381380 file name=/oradata/STANDBY/sysaux01.dbf
datafile 4 switched to datafile copy
input datafile copy RECID=3 STAMP=1138381380 file name=/oradata/STANDBY/undotbs01.dbf
datafile 7 switched to datafile copy
input datafile copy RECID=4 STAMP=1138381380 file name=/oradata/STANDBY/users01.dbf
contents of Memory Script:
set until scn 2277311;
clone database
delete archivelog
executing Memory Script
executing command: SET until clause
Starting recover at 01-JUN-23
starting media recovery
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 13 is already on disk as file /arch/1_13_1138290295.arc
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 14 is already on disk as file /arch/1_14_1138290295.arc
archived log file name=/arch/1_13_1138290295.arc thread=1 sequence=13
archived log file name=/arch/1_14_1138290295.arc thread=1 sequence=14
media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished recover at 01-JUN-23
contents of Memory Script:
delete clone force archivelog all;
executing Memory Script
deleted archived log
archived log file name=/arch/1_13_1138290295.arc RECID=1 STAMP=1138381378
deleted archived log
archived log file name=/arch/1_14_1138290295.arc RECID=2 STAMP=1138381379
Deleted 2 objects
Finished Duplicate Db at 01-JUN-23
released channel: prmy1
released channel: stby1
2) standby 서버에서 복제 실행
[standby:/oradata/STANDBY]> rman target sys/oracle@primary auxiliary sys/oracle@listener_adg
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Thu Jun 1 17:46:05 2023
Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
connected to target database: ORA19C (DBID=1191478324)
connected to auxiliary database: ORA19C (not mounted)
RMAN> duplicate target database for standby from active database nofilenamecheck dorecover;
Starting Duplicate Db at 01-JUN-23
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_AUX_DISK_1
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: SID=379 device type=DISK
current log archived
contents of Memory Script:
backup as copy reuse
passwordfile auxiliary format '/u01/app/oracle/product/19c/db_1/dbs/orapwstandby' ;
executing Memory Script
Starting backup at 01-JUN-23
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=18 device type=DISK
Finished backup at 01-JUN-23
contents of Memory Script:
restore clone from service 'primary' standby controlfile;
executing Memory Script
Starting restore at 01-JUN-23
using channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: using network backup set from service primary
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restoring control file
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
output file name=/oradata/STANDBY/control01.ctl
output file name=/oradata/STANDBY/control02.ctl
Finished restore at 01-JUN-23
contents of Memory Script:
sql clone 'alter database mount standby database';
executing Memory Script
sql statement: alter database mount standby database
contents of Memory Script:
set newname for tempfile 1 to
switch clone tempfile all;
set newname for datafile 1 to
set newname for datafile 3 to
set newname for datafile 4 to
set newname for datafile 7 to
from nonsparse from service
'primary' clone database
sql 'alter system archive log current';
executing Memory Script
executing command: SET NEWNAME
renamed tempfile 1 to /oradata/STANDBY/temp01.dbf in control file
executing command: SET NEWNAME
executing command: SET NEWNAME
executing command: SET NEWNAME
executing command: SET NEWNAME
Starting restore at 01-JUN-23
using channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: using network backup set from service primary
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00001 to /oradata/STANDBY/system01.dbf
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: using network backup set from service primary
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00003 to /oradata/STANDBY/sysaux01.dbf
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:08
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: using network backup set from service primary
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00004 to /oradata/STANDBY/undotbs01.dbf
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: using network backup set from service primary
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00007 to /oradata/STANDBY/users01.dbf
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished restore at 01-JUN-23
sql statement: alter system archive log current
current log archived
contents of Memory Script:
restore clone force from service 'primary'
archivelog from scn 2283316;
switch clone datafile all;
executing Memory Script
Starting restore at 01-JUN-23
using channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: starting archived log restore to default destination
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: using network backup set from service primary
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restoring archived log
archived log thread=1 sequence=21
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: starting archived log restore to default destination
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: using network backup set from service primary
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restoring archived log
archived log thread=1 sequence=22
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished restore at 01-JUN-23
datafile 1 switched to datafile copy
input datafile copy RECID=1 STAMP=1138384007 file name=/oradata/STANDBY/system01.dbf
datafile 3 switched to datafile copy
input datafile copy RECID=2 STAMP=1138384007 file name=/oradata/STANDBY/sysaux01.dbf
datafile 4 switched to datafile copy
input datafile copy RECID=3 STAMP=1138384007 file name=/oradata/STANDBY/undotbs01.dbf
datafile 7 switched to datafile copy
input datafile copy RECID=4 STAMP=1138384007 file name=/oradata/STANDBY/users01.dbf
contents of Memory Script:
set until scn 2283480;
clone database
delete archivelog
executing Memory Script
executing command: SET until clause
Starting recover at 01-JUN-23
using channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1
starting media recovery
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 21 is already on disk as file /arch/1_21_1138290295.arc
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 22 is already on disk as file /arch/1_22_1138290295.arc
archived log file name=/arch/1_21_1138290295.arc thread=1 sequence=21
archived log file name=/arch/1_22_1138290295.arc thread=1 sequence=22
media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished recover at 01-JUN-23
contents of Memory Script:
delete clone force archivelog all;
executing Memory Script
released channel: ORA_DISK_1
released channel: ORA_AUX_DISK_1
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=18 device type=DISK
deleted archived log
archived log file name=/arch/1_21_1138290295.arc RECID=1 STAMP=1138384004
deleted archived log
archived log file name=/arch/1_22_1138290295.arc RECID=2 STAMP=1138384006
Deleted 2 objects
Finished Duplicate Db at 01-JUN-23
오라클 single adg 네트워크 설정
#1.listener.ora ############################################################################# LISTENER1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ora19adg1)(PORT = 1529)) ) LISTENER2 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = radg1)(PORT
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